Saturday, October 3, 2009

Do You Like It?!?!

Here is miss prissy trying her first bite of rice cereal!! She seemed to like it.
She didn't really understand the spoon though. She would take a bite and laugh
and spit it back out at me. We did this several times then she finally got the hang
of it. I feel so very blessed to have such a wonderful happy baby. Ava is so content
most of time. She only cries if she is hungry or sleepy. The child has been sleeping
all night since she was 3 weeks old!! Everyday I look at her and tell her how much
she means to me. God has truely blessed my life. Of course we have our hard times,
but its only making this family stronger. We have had a lot going on this past year,
but we are making it through ALL of it, and have our parents to thank for that. Lance
and I have such wonderful parents! We love you so very very much.

Ava's "news"
1. brings her hands together
2. laughs out loud... its the cutest thing you have
ever heard. YaYa started making her do this!
3. Eating cereal
4. copys my facial expressions
5. holds her head up for several mintues at a time.
6. Is almost rolling over
7. she puts her lips together and blows bubbles
8. growing like a weed.. she is in 6M onesies!

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